This Web service belongs to Externa soluciones SL with CIF number B18943969 and registered office at C / El Trevenque 26, 3º 18008 Granada
The company Externa soluciones SL (hereinafter EXTERNA) is registered in the Mercantile Registry of Granada in Volume 1402, book 0, folio 99, Inscription 1, sheet GR-38660.
You can contact us through our phone number 958130378 or by sending an email to
EXTERNA offers this website to provide its customers and users with information about the services it offers. EXTERNA ensures that the information available on this website is accurate and precise, proceeding to update it as quickly as possible, trying to avoid errors and correcting them as soon as it detects them. However, EXTERNA cannot guarantee the absence of errors, nor that the content of the information is permanently updated. Similarly, EXTERNA is not responsible for the accuracy and updating of the information from other natural or legal persons that appears on the website to which it refers.
All products and services contained in this website are provided by EXTERNA in accordance with current regulations.
This legal notice is updated, approved and published in Granada, as of July 7, 2022.
Terms of use of the web service
This web service has a public area where general information is exposed.
The “Contact” section explains the procedure for sending inquiries to EXTERNA. Messages sent will be answered as soon as possible, but it cannot be guaranteed that all messages will be answered especially if you have erroneously provided any of your data.
The user by accessing, browsing and using this website, accepts and knows the legal warnings, conditions and terms of use of the same. Similarly, it is reported that the sending of a contact request or sending of a curriculum to EXTERNA does not imply, in any way, the beginning of a contractual relationship.
Data Protection Policy
The management of EXTERNA is committed to compliance with current legislation on data protection, for this we have prepared this Data Protection Policy.
At EXTERNA we are committed to promoting compliance with the principles of active responsibility established in the General Data Protection Regulation (hereinafter GDPR) through a process of continuous improvement, aimed at:
- Treat personal data in a lawful, legal and transparent manner in relations with interested parties.
- Use only and exclusively the personal data for the purposes provided in each treatment. In no case use them for other different or incompatible purposes.
- Analyze the legal bases of the treatments and obtain the consent of the interested parties in the cases that it is necessary for the treatment.
- Treat the minimum personal data that are necessary for the purpose pursued.
- Keep personal data up to date and accurate. In cases where inaccuracies of the data are observed, proceed to update or delete them.
- Keep personal data for the minimum time necessary for the purposes of the treatment and in accordance with the legally established conservation periods.
- Maintain at all times the confidentiality, integrity and availability of the personal data we process.
This commitment translates into the following:
- Provide the necessary resources and establish the necessary objectives for the correct implementation and continuous improvement of the security of the information and the protection of the personal data that we treat.
- Promote and implement the appropriate measures to carry out the training, training and awareness of all personnel in Information Security and data protection.
- Establish the appropriate risk assessment criteria to which treatments are exposed, aimed at ensuring that all risks presenting an unacceptable level are adequately treated until an acceptable residual risk level is obtained.
- Prepare and maintain the records of activities of all the treatments carried out.
- Establish procedures to prevent data security breaches and, if they occur, manage and notify them without delay.
- Appoint a Data Protection Officer and respect their impartiality and independence in the exercise of their functions.
Information about the data we process
In accordance with our data protection policy we will proceed to inform in a clear and understandable way about the treatment we do in EXTERNA of the personal data that we have because the interested parties have provided it to us by any means that you have considered appropriate (through this website, email, telephone or through any other electronic or manual means).
Identity of the person in charge
We inform you that the identity of the person responsible for processing the personal data that you have provided us is: Externa soluciones SL with CIF B18943969 and address at C / El Trevenque 26, 3º 18008 Granada , contact telephone: 958130378 and email:
Contact details of our Data Protection Officer
You can contact our Data Protection Officer at the following address:
Purpose of the processing
The data you have provided us will be processed in order to manage relationships with our customers and suppliers, perform the provision of services contracted by our customers, as well as the management of relationships with our customers and the maintenance of our commercial relationships and customer loyalty.
If you have given your express consent to receive commercial information, we inform you that we may provide such information by any means you have provided us (email, postal or telephone).
We inform the people who send us their curriculum, that their data will be treated with total confidentiality and used only and exclusively in cases where EXTERNA has an open personnel selection process.
Data Retention Policy
The data provided will be kept as long as the commercial and contractual relationship with our customers and suppliers is maintained or for the years necessary to comply with legal obligations.
Regarding the data maintained for commercial communications, they will be kept until the interested party exercises their right to delete data.
Curricula submitted by interested parties will be automatically destroyed if no selection process is open. In the event that we have a selective process open, they will be kept until the award of the requested job.
Planned data communications
We do not plan to communicate your data to third parties outside the legal obligations or those necessary to be able to invoice the service (banks).
We inform you that we collaborate with other companies to provide our services, in which case we will provide the necessary data to be able to provide the subcontracted services.
Legitimation of the treatments
At EXTERNA we take special care to analyze the legality of all the treatments we perform. In this sense, the treatments are carried out either because there is a contractual relationship in the case of contracts signed with our customers and / or suppliers or because the interested parties have provided us with their consent in the case of commercial communications or in the selection processes that we have open.
Security measures
At EXTERNA we care at all times to maintain the confidentiality, integrity and availability of the information we process. In this sense, we are committed to establishing adequate criteria to assess the security risks and the rights and freedoms of natural persons aimed at treating them and to establishing treatment plans for them to reduce them to acceptable levels.
Rights of data subjects
You have the right to obtain confirmation as to whether EXTERNA is processing your personal data, therefore you have the right to access your personal data, rectify inaccurate data or request its deletion when the data is no longer necessary.
You also have the right to the limitation of the treatment that allows the processing of your data to be paralyzed, so that only your data duly blocked for the exercise or defense of possible claims is kept.
Likewise, we inform our customers that they have the right to the portability of the data we treat to provide the services they have contracted for us. In this sense, this right will allow our customers to transmit the data we process about them in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format to another data controller they have chosen.
In order to exercise their rights, interested parties must contact EXTERNA by email to the address or mail by post, and in any case must prove their identity by means of an identification document.
Likewise, we inform you that you have the right to file a claim with the Spanish Agency for Data Protection ( and, in advance, with the Externa Data Protection Delegate at the address
Information on the use of Cookies
Cookies are pieces of information that are stored on the site of the user who uses the browser at the request of the server of the web page.
This website does not use cookies in the public access area. In the private access area you can use technical cookies that will be used exclusively for the maintenance of the user’s session. In no case will personal data be stored in cookies nor will they be used to obtain or access user information.
Users who do not want cookies to be installed on their computer or who wish to be informed when a cookie is to be installed on their system, must configure their browser to work in this way. It is also reported that users can delete all generated cookies at any time.
Intellectual property
The intellectual property rights of the content of the Web pages, their graphic design, the content of the training actions and codes are owned by EXTERNA and, therefore, their reproduction, distribution, public communication and transformation is prohibited, except for personal and private use. Likewise, all trade names, trademarks or different signs of any kind contained in the WEB pages of EXTERNA are protected by law.
Web content and links
EXTERNA is not responsible for the misuse made of the contents of its Web pages, being the sole responsibility of the person who accesses or uses them.
EXTERNA does not assume any responsibility for the information contained in third-party Web pages that can be accessed through links or search engines of EXTERNA’s Web pages. The presence of links on the web pages of EXTERNA will be for informational purposes only and in no case does it imply a suggestion, invitation or recommendation about them.
Applicable Legislation and Jurisdiction
In general, the relations between EXTERNA and its clients and users are subject to Spanish legislation and jurisdiction.
Information on technical and safety aspects
This website is hosted on the servers of Raiola ( which is contracted by EXTERNA for the provision of this service (hereinafter the service provider).
It is very important that users take into account some basic security principles when browsing EXTERNA Internet services such as:
- It is the responsibility of users who have access to restricted access areas that they access through username and password, use access codes or passwords that are not easily decipherable or contain common names (they must be composed of uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers and special signs), make periodic changes to the password and prevent other people other than those authorized from knowing the access codes to the restricted access area.
- Users registered in this web service must correctly guard the access codes and prevent their use by unauthorized third parties. In the event that any user has suspicions of improper use of their password, they must notify this fact to EXTERNA as a security incident to the email and immediately they must change the access password.
- When the user uses the Internet services of EXTERNA, the IP address, the date and time and other data such as the type of browser may be stored on the servers of the service provider. EXTERNA will only access information that is stored on the servers of the service provider to perform statistical analysis of use, improve the accessibility of Internet services and perform the traceability of actions that must be analyzed as security incidents.
The service provider as responsible for hosting the EXTERNA web service is obliged to adopt technical and organizational measures in such a way as to guarantee the security of the data, information, systems and servers used for the provision of this service, always taking into account the state of technology, the nature of the data stored and the risks to which they are exposed, whether they come from human action or from the physical or natural environment.
EXTERNA will not be responsible for possible damages that may arise from interferences, omissions, interruptions, computer viruses, telephone breakdowns, malicious modification or disconnections in the operational functioning of this electronic system, motivated by causes beyond the control of EXTERNA as well as delays or blockages in the use of this electronic system caused by deficiencies or overloads of data lines or overloads in the Center of Data processing of the service provider, in the Internet system or in other electronic systems, in addition to damages that may be caused by third parties through illegitimate interference beyond the control of EXTERNA.
EXTERNA is exonerated from liability for any damage or harm that the user may suffer as a result of errors, defects or omissions, in the information provided by EXTERNA provided that it comes from sources outside EXTERNA.